After so much walking around on the first day I thought to my self “this is the highest level of stress I could ever attain”, little did I know that I had just started. If there’s a single word to describe someone that’s extremely stressed then that word would be allocated to me. Woke up by 3am only to meet a very long queue at the bathroom, getting to my turn the water stopped rushing(just the beginning of the stress). I decided to go to another bathroom and ended up missing my way back to my room(funny right?), after managing to locate the room we got called to the parade ground by 4am. We marched till about 8, went back to the room and reassembled again for another parade which lasted from 8am to 2pm, I couldn’t bear it any longer I had to fake an ankle injury 😂 y’all needed to have seen my acting skills (I deserve an Oscar). After that we headed back to the room for a short rest then back to the parade ground again by 4pm-7:30pm but this time my acting skills couldn’t bail me out😭 😭. I know deep down tomorrow will be worse but let me not even think about it and enjoy my spaghetti 😉. Goodnight fam ❤

