Did you know that you must not apply cream after 10pm, because your face just won’t be able to absorb all the cream and your pillow will get all the usefulness of the cream instead of you?

There is a perfect time of the day for each procedure and skin care schedule is a good solution for us all.

The right time for you to wake up. The body begins to produce hormones actively, the heart beats faster. Currently, the skin absorbs moisture better. That means it’s the right time to bath and get your skin moisturized.
The perfect time to clean the skin with ice herbal decoction
Time for beauty treatments. There are active metabolism that acts in the body till noon
Wrinkles appears, at this time, it is better to keep from eating because it will be as a heavy burden.
Beauty treatments undesirable. The skin is not able to absorb anything, it looks sluggish.
Your body is back in shape, this is the best time for sports and going to the pool, and if you’re still at work, give yourself a hand massage and massage your face and eye as well.
Time for face cleansing, exfoliation and masks. Skin sensitivity to pain is minimal. The heat and steam will relax and deduce toxins and tune in to healthy sleep.

If you don’t have time to apply the cream for the face before this time, you can relax. After 22hours, the skin is not ale to accept outside interference. Components of creams that is unabsorbed can lead to swelling of face in the morning.


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