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If you happen to suffer from clumsiness yourself, however this is not a laughing matter. Some brands of clumsiness are actually a sign of deeper motor problems in the brain, a sudden onset of weird knocking-off stuffs off tables can be a sign of developing a Parkinson's disease.
What causes clumsiness and can you cure it?
Clumsiness is how fast the brain could understand new information and respond to it. So it's not only about poor reaction time and reflexes. Other researches has found that poor processing speed and clumsiness are related to distractions, how well you cope with blocking put distracting factors, and if you can process several things at once.
Are there more clumsiness in life?
It also seems like there are two times in life where clumsiness comes to fore: your teenage years, and that time when you're definitely past the bloom of your twenties and thirties and heading into middle age.
So can you cure clumsiness?
One of the easiest ways to change the brain habits of the chronically clumsy, it seems, is to adopt more mindfulness, which means doing every action purposefully, and giving it your full attention. Improving your memory is one method, while reducing stress is another. (stress and anxiety are massive contributors to greater distractions, so lowering them is a good idea)
#stay healthy
