By the special grace of God, I am plus one today and God has been faithful to me and my family throughout all stages of my life. He has sustained us, preserved us and has been our source of strength so far, reason why I will forever be grateful to Him. I will not forget majority of you here, whom God has also used to be a source of blessing to me and family, I pray God to bless you all. To all the followers of our LOOK AND LIVE, I treasure you all.
Today, I will be praying for your but before that I will want to give you seven (7) keys to surviving through the storms and wilderness of life. In the journey of life you will face wilderness experience, where things will look dry, frustration, hatred, discouragement, mockery and the likes but I will encourage you to take this keys as they will help you surmount all of that and give you greater Joy.
1) PRAYER. Jesus started with prayers and ended it with prayer. Prayer is simply communion with God, it is in the place of prayer that we sought out our problems or difficulties. Prayer overcomes all things, opens all doors. There is nothing that can overcome prayers. Jesus understood the mystery of praying and throughout His journey on earth He prayed and as well encouraged us to pray. Prayer is a special key to survivial, for all Christians. It is our authority in Christ. Pray without ceasing and pray with faith. Give up on complains and Never give up on prayer. Prayers has helped me in life from my youthful age till now.
2) DETERMINATION: Determine to be the best you can. Determine to succeed and success will come your way. When determination is put to hardwork then, tremendous success follows. Determination will cause you to stand strong in the midst of opposition, with determination you can climb the highest mountain and without determination, everything will look impossible as devil will always make things look that way.
3) FAITHFULNESS; Be faithful in whatsoever is committed to you, be it little or more. When you are faithful, you will receive reward from God and men. Strive to be faithful in all things.
4) ENCOURAGEMENT: Always encourage yourself even when no one around sees anything to appreciate in you. When you are encouraged, your spirit man is made strong to move no matter the circumstance. Always encourage yourself in the Lord as David did and he was able to recover all he lost. Same way, you will recover all you have lost. Do not let anything discourage you. Some people will show up to frustrate your plane but always encourage yourself and receive new strength
5) BOLDNESS: Be bold and fear not. When you exercise fear, faith will find no place to abide in you. There is no fear where faith is present and there is no faith where fear is present. Be bold and have faith in God and His promises.
6) PERSONAL DECISION: Your decision in life will go a long way in helping you. What is your decision about life, have you decided to make impact? have you decided to be a succeed? Make a decision and strongly work to see the fulfillment of that. Make a decision on what will move your life and destiny forward.
7) DEPENDENCE ON GOD. Totally depend on God and not your abilities, status or qualification. Make God your all in all in this journey of life and see Him attend to your case.
On this day, I pray for you dearly beloved; I prophesy, where men think you will not reach in life, the mercy of God will take you there in Jesus name. Agenda of your enemies to frustrate you shall be frustrated. All those that dig pits for you and family will fall into the pit and will all be covered with sand of shame in Jesus name. As no man on earth could kill Jesus and He resurrected after 3days, I pray that all you possessions in the custody of witchcraft or by occult men shall be restored back to you in Jesus name. Beauty from above shall overshadow you and family in Jesus name. All obstacles to your greatness shall be a stepping stone to your greatness in Jesus name. Grace, mercy and favour shall speak for you and give you all the good things you are not qualified for in Jesus name. All those that want to stop you, family, wife and children with there evil ways, God will stop them all in Jesus name.
God bless you all richly...I also need your prayers even As I am praying for you. we will continue next week. Have a great day.
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