Preparing For Your First Period

The thought of having your first period can have you scared, anxious, excited or even experiencing all these emotions at once. Either way, it will be a moment in your life that you’ll never forget!

1. It can happen at any time and at any place. It could happen at school, at home, at church- basically many girls don’t see it coming. But when it does happen, say for instance at school, you can either go to a female teacher that you’re comfortable around, or even the school nurse and tell them what is going on. They’ll be able to help since they’ve been there.
2. So now that your period has finally arrived you’ll have the option of either wearing pads (sanitary towels) or using tampons . Pads and tampons soak up the menstrual blood and this prevents your underwear and clothes from getting stained. It may take you a while to get used to either options- they can both be really uncomfortable. But give it some time, after a while- once you’ve found the right size and type (brand)- it will be easy peasy.
3.Your first period may be accompanied with cramps, bloating or pains around your abdomen and lower back. This is completely normal. If you can’t bare the pain then you can try relieve it with some pain killers or by putting a hot water bottle around your abdomen. These tricks really do help, in most cases. But if your pains are severe and none of these methods help, then you might have to visit a doctor and get yourself checked out!
4.In many cultures, having your first period is basically like a formal introduction into womanhood . It’s something that is celebrated. But other cultures don’t welcome periods with such warmth and excitement. In some, it’s seen as something dirty and shameful, and young girls who’ve had their period can be treated differently. It’s important to understand that there is nothing ‘wrong’ or ‘dirty’ about having your period. It’s a completely normal and healthy part of growing up!
