Crazy Facts About Periods
1.Back in the 20th century, it was believed that a woman could not go to University and get aNhigher education. Why?
Well, scientists and professors in those days said that a girl’s menstruation reverses into her brain and this can cause her to give birth to deformed babies.
To us it just sounds like an excuse to prevent girls from getting an education.
Don’t you think? (source- Sex in Education: Or a fair chance for girls).
2.Periods sync! When women share the same space for an extended period, like at school, home or work- their periods can actually become in sync. Now there isn’t any real scientific proof to back it up but if your ladies think hard and long enough about this, we’re pretty sure you can remember a time when your period synced with your BFFs.
3.It’s only in 2011 that red liquid (to symbolize blood) was used in ads advertising sanitary towels. Always was the first product to
make such an ad and it was considered pretty revolutionary!
4. Believe it or not, there was a time when people thought a girl being on her period was a sign that she had some sort of disease!
Luckily we've come a long way since the medieval times and we now know that menstruation is not a disease. It's a completely normal and natural occurence.
5.In 1946, Disney created the first movie ever that spoke about menstruation. The movie is titled “ The story of Menstruation”
and it was a sex education movie that was used in many schools across America.
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