Zoe's GEM's photo.
The secret of living is giving. No matter how broke you may be, you have to give. Life is a game we all play,some better than the others.

Laugh and smile,smell the roses,test your own limits,rage against complacency,never stop learning,keep your legacy in mind,take a daily walk outside,make time for people you love,stamp out regrets,take steps to get organized,get regular sunshine,celebrate often,take care of your body,get a clear vision of what you want,master a second language,validate others,get paid to exist,trace your family history,get a magnificent obession,always have a goal to strive for. Remember the golden rule, love what you do, paint, get in touch with nature often, give hugs, focus on freedom, build your dreams, surprise someone regularly,harness the power of music, worry less, train your dragon "your dragon is that special power you possess", get a mentor, dance, save money, move daily....
