3 Things Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals & Dreams

Many a time there are
things that get in the
way of our dreams and

It could be you
don’t have money, right
now, to start a
business or buy a piece
of machinery you need.
Maybe you can’t seem
to get yourself to study
as much as you’d like
Here’s one nugget of
truth: for YOU to
achieve your goal, there
are THREE simple things
YOU have to do. And
here they are…
Ah ha!! Got you where I
want you, right?! Jokes
aside, here they are:
Be Optimistic
What is optimism? “It is
a tendency, disposition
or proclivity to look on
the more favourable
side of events or
conditions and to
expect the most
favourable outcome.” –
No matter what
happens, things don’t
always go as planned or
as we want them to,
and it’s the way it is.
However, you have to
keep going! That is
where the optimism
Build up your self-
esteem and get thicker
skin. To be able to trail
new blazes or break
new ground, you need
optimism otherwise
you’ll be discouraged as
soon as wake up every
morning. Some days are
tough, and all you have
to fight it in the end is
self because you’re
responsible for your
own happiness and
Don’t Wait For a Big
It is often shoved down
our throats that we all
have a “day” when we’ll
have our big break. It
may seem helpful or
even “cool” to say such
a thing, but it really isn’t
cool because it creates
some sort of
Don’t look forward to
the day you’ll make it
because that will stop
or delay you from
moving forward. Now is
the right time to make
your move and do what
you ought to do. Please.
Stop Complaining
Instead of complaining,
assess the problem,
find the solution, and
get on the offensive. Be
an offensive player;
complaining is playing
defence. Defence is
good but it won’t make
you a winner.
Bonus: Don’t Fear
Don’t fear failure so
much that you refuse
to try new things. The
fear of failure
sometimes stops us
from achieving our
dreams, becoming who
or what we want to be,
starting a new
business/________ (fill in
the blank).
If you’re absolutely
determined to achieve,
become, start or finish
you will overcome
anything to do it. Laugh
in the face of fear, and
then do the thing that
scares you!
