Our father in heaven I thank you for today,for the clothes,for food and for life. Start my day with me oh Lord,send your angels to take charge over my life in Jesus name.... AMEN!
Our text will be taken from the book of Habakkuk 2vs 1-3.
Vision is something seen but not yet put in the real life. Vision is your star and destiny.
*Victory is never accomplished without conflict.
*It is never to late for us to reposition ourself for what we'll become in life.
*You must not allow your past mistakes hinder you.
*You can only correct what you are willing to comfront in life.
*The enemy will not give you a sweatless victory.
*Your problem can be a door opener to your progress.
*Let not what you don't know stop you from doing what you know.
*The enemy of your vision are the fertilizer of your vision.
*The enemy can terminate your vision.
*The enemy can take your vision away.
*The enemy can waste your vision.
*The enemy can capture your vision.
*The enemy can cage your destiny.
*The enemy can transfer your vision.
When your vision(destiny)is delayed,it's teaching you to endure.
*Obidence to the word of God.
*Be a prayer addict(Luke 18 vs 1).
*Have the spirit of forgiveness.
*Sin (Galatians 5 vs 19-21).
*Negative Covenant.
*Evil dedication
The flesh is the major killer of our vision.
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