Watermelons have become synonymous with summer and picnics,and for good reasons. Their refreshing quality and sweet taste help to combat the heat and also provide a guilt-free,low maintainance dessert for kids and adults to enjoy.

Watermelon also contains thiamin,riboflavin,vitamin B-6,folate,panthothernic acid,zinc,copper etc. Watermelon contains more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable,it is made up of 92%water..
Reduces risk of many lifestyle related health condition.
Asthma prevention.
Reduces blood pressure.
Decrease the risk of cancer.
Digestion and regularity.
Reduces muscle soreness.
Contains vitamin A which is good for the growth of all bodily tissue..
‪#‎HEALTH‬ is ‪#‎WEALTH‬.
