#‎Independence‬ does not mean living an i-don't-care life...

Good evening spectacular darlings,zoe's GEM always comes up with questions that will keep you thinking..."WHY" that is a powerful word that holds answers to many questions,hope we all agree to that?

Just this week at itu-road in Akw-aibom state uyo, a terrible event happened,a young man was murdered in cold blood,not just that,his killer had the boldness to pieces his body into different parts and dumped them in different locations.. WHY? Just because of 2million naira..Is that man's life not more than 2million?
WHY would a young boy of 16years of age get involved into something that attracts a curse from God himself..Killed an innocent boy of 4,tore his stomach open and cuts off his private part,is that not in-human? Is he worthy to live again? If i was the law,God knows what will be my judgement to devils in human form..
WHY can't we all live in peace,happiness and harmony? I believe we youths are the future of Nigeria...
‪#‎STOP‬ hatred,killing,corruption,in-human act and lets ‪#‎PROMOTE‬ peace,love,harmony and unity...
We are ‪#‎NIGERIANS‬..
