Good morning spectacular darlings,my night was peachy..How was your night?
Wake up on the right side of the bed and ease into your day with a positive,calm attitude.. Enter your day happy and relaxed,and you greatly increase your chances of a healthy,productive day..

¤Go to sleep with your curtains halfway open. That way,the natural light of the rising sun will send a signal to your brain to slow its production of melatonin and bump up it's production of adrenaline,a signal that it's time to wake up. Have a small amount of sugar in the morning for better memory recall.
¤Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier. This way,you don,t have to jump out of bed and rush through your morning..
¤Stick a chair in the shower and sit in it. Let the sprays beat on your back. It's simultaneously relaying and energizing,like getting a water massage. After a couple of minutes,you can swing the chair out and commence with washing..
¤Read a motivational quote every morning..
¤Eschew any decisions. For truly relaxing mornings,reduce the number of choices and decisions you make to zero. Make morning decisions the night before,what breakfast to eat,what route to take to work e.t.c.
¤Spend 5-10 minutes each morning listening to music...
